STATUS: | Open |
DATES: | August 15 - August 27, 2025 |
AGES: | 18 yrs and older |
TUITION2024-AMQ, A-SUPPORTING-TIER-AMQThis tuition tier supports those paying on the lower end of the scale and helps Journeys develop future programs |
TUITION2024-AMQ, B-STAFFING-TIER-AMQThis tuition tier covers the full costs of running our program with administrative overhead. |
TUITION2024-AMQ, C-SUPPORTED-TIER-AMQThis tuition tier falls short of covering our direct expenses |
TUITION2024-AMQ, D-EARLYBIRD-TIER-AMQThis tuition Tier is only available through 1/31/2025 |
TUITION2025-AMQ, Z-AMQ-FINANCIAL-AIDPlease select this option if you would like to apply for financial aid. Please note that the lowest possible tuition amount for this course is $1100. |
INITIAL DEPOSIT: | $600.00 (due immediately) |