ALL Adult Ages-11-to-13 Ages-13-to-15 Ages-15-to-18 Ages-9-to-11 Capstone Climbing-and-Caving Day-Camp Introductory Mountain-Biking Multi-Element NEW Ocean Rites-of-Passage Whitewater Wilderness-Skills
Cape Cod Ocean Bonanza
Sun Jun 22 - Sat Jun 28, 2025
(7 days)
Ages 13 - 15

A 30th Anniversary Classic!
For students who are interested in adventure sports training and practicing Kroka’s lifestyle in the middle of a busy vacation destination. Join us for an extraordinary week of adventure sports, sun and sand at the amazing ocean of Cape Cod. This trip is a must! We will surf on surfboards and kayaks, windsurf when the winds allow, and swim and paddle in the bay. Camping in the pine forests that overlook the Cape’s famous sand dunes, we will mountain bike on single tracks to our daily destinations. Proven to be a fantastic experience, this trip is an awesome way to start your summer.

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Sun Jun 22 - Sat Jun 28, 2025
(7 days)
Ages 13 - 15

Discover the adventure of Tree Climbing from Kroka alumni expert and professional arborist Joe Madrigali. Based out of Kroka's "treehouse" dwelling we will set out each day into the forest in search of the tallest and most exciting trees to climb. We will learn knots and rigging skills as we set ropes and ascend effortlessly high into the canopy. We will test our balance and ingenuity as we dance from limb to limb, experiencing the unique perspectives that come at great heights. We will discover the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku or "forest bathing" and experience the peacefulness of being high up in the canopy, breathing clean air, and living in a joyful community. We will learn to identify trees by their leaves and bark, visit an old-growth forest, and end each day with stories, songs, and games around the campfire.

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Sun Jun 29 - Sat Jul 5, 2025
(7 days)
Ages 12 - 14

Calling all rock climbers, parkour athletes and bouldering enthusiasts for a dynamic week of rock climbing in nature. Journeying into the hills and hollows of Western Massachusetts we will establish a wilderness outpost close to three famous crags with climbs that will challenge beginner and experienced climbers alike. Each morning we set off to explore a different line of cliffs to practice toprope, sport, and trad climbing. Afternoons find us searching for caves and ruins in the forest, bouldering, cooking over the open fire, and practicing knot tying. Add to the repertoire the slack line, cliff-jumping and refreshing swims in the river and you‘ve got yourself a perfect summer week!

Vertical is a sequel to Climbing Rocks and a perfect training week for Climber’s Journey Up North.
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Introduction to White Water - Level II
Sun Jun 29 - Sat Jul 5, 2025
(7 days)
Ages 12 - 14

Become part of the infamous Kroka white water paddling crew! Upon arrival you will jump right in with your first kayaking lesson on Kroka’s pond. Traveling to our wilderness home on the Deerfield River in Berkshires, we will camp in a magical forest by the side of a clear mountain stream. Each day we will hike down to the river to practice rafting, kayaking, canoeing, stand up paddle boarding, and white water swimming. Working in small groups allows us to focus on the individual needs and learning styles of each student, making sure everyone experiences success. Students will learn skills enabling them to have a blast in Class II white water. In addition to paddling, students develop appreciation for the vital role of water in the web of life and develop sound judgment and common sense inherent to adventure sports. The week will culminate with a run down the famous class III Zoar Gap! This program will prepare students for the next white water challenge: Paddlers Journey Up North

A sequel to Intro to Whitewater, Level I,  this program can also be a point of entry for students seeking to start at a higher level of challenge.

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Grand Isle Expedition
Sun Jul 6 - Sat Jul 19, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 13 - 15

Steeped in history and culture, the blue-green waters of Lake Champlain offer perfect conditions for a long-distance sea kayak expedition. Stretching south-north from Vermont to Canada, the 125-mile-long lake has more than 500 miles of shoreline and 70 islands with protected coves for camping, high cliffs for jumping, and abundant fish to catch.  We begin the week at Kroka Village where we will practice kayaking in the pond and work on the farm to harvest and prepare food for the journey ahead. Once the hatches are full, we load our trailer and depart for Whitehall, NY - the southernmost point of the lake. Each day we make progress Northward in tune with currents and wind while stopping to swim, visit the Lake's many museums and historical sites, and take in the breathtaking views of the Green Mountains and Adirondacks. At night we make camp on the lakeshore or on its islands, cook dinner over the open fire, and take in the starry night skies. We will revel in the joys of expedition life, tell stories of old times, and if the winds are with us - and we can summon the willpower to do so - complete the end-to-end sea kayak expedition all the way to Canada!

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Get Lost!
Sun Jul 6 - Sat Jul 12, 2025
(7 days)
Ages 13 - 15

“Not all who wander are lost” - Tolkien
Get ready to find your way through the woods with only a paper map and a compass as your guides. After a day and a half of training on Kroka’s orienteering course, learning to read contour lines and follow an azimuth, we will load what we need into our backpacks and travel to a place where the forest is thick and wild. Here, following our intuition, the sun, and the stars, we will begin the journey of finding our way home.  This program is not only about getting lost: it is adventurous days of bushwhacking, refreshing dips in a mountain stream, cooking bread-on-a-stick over the fire, and experiencing teamwork and companionship as we find our place in the circle of community.

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Paddlers Journey Up North
Sun Jul 6 - Sat Jul 19, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 13 - 15

A flat spin is one of the first tricks a playboater learns. You get there by a front surf, then a side surf, and then allowing the river to spin your boat all the way around before you get washed downstream. This year’s intermediate-level whitewater expedition is spin off of Kroka’s classic Paddler’s Journey with an emphasis on playboating: it’s not just running a river, it’s playing in it! After spending a day and a half practicing rolling and safety in the pond we will pack our food and gear and depart for one of the many whitewater rivers of New Hampshire and Maine. The itinerary will vary depending on water levels and the experience level of the group. Here we will set our base camp near the top of a stretch of rapids perfect for honing techniques in kayaks, solo canoes, and tandem canoes. After five days of training, we will embark on a river expedition with miles of swiftwater, drop-pool sequences, wave trains, and good expedition living. Paddler’s Journey Up North is for students who have completed our introductory whitewater programs  and is perfect training for our Canadian Expeditions!

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Wild Earth Wanderers
Sun Jul 13 - Sat Jul 26, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 13 - 15

A two-week immersion program in Earth living skills and nature connection.

Come enjoy two weeks out in the woods, where together we will deepen the experience and skills that our ancestors knew. We will build shelters and tend the flames of fires kindled in the old ways with friction, creating a village home out in and of the forest. Gifts of woods and waters nourish us as we forage, fish and gather what the land has to offer. We will gather and process berries, mushrooms, acorns, and animals for food. We will carve, weave and create some of the tools we need to live well. The animals around us will be our teachers too, in their tracks and movements. Using traditional methods we will tan hides: scraping, softening, and working to change an animal skin into a soft, supple material to stitch something useful and beautiful. Through it all we will live with the question, how can we can give back to the land that offers us so much? By listening, observing and being still in the landscape, as well as by playing games, crafting and singing, we will deepen our connection to the land around us, each other, and ourselves.

This program builds on the experience in Earth Crafts and Forest, Forage and Flame, and is a deeper, more immersive experience exploration earth living skills. Students who have prior experience in these skills (carving, fire-making, foraging etc,) will get the most out of this more in-depth two-week experience. This expedition program includes some wilderness travel but also involves staying in one place more than many expeditions in order to make a life in and from the natural world!

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Bikes, Swimming Holes, and Canoes
Sun Jul 20 - Sat Aug 2, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 13 - 15

A 30th Anniversary Classic with a Brand New Itinerary
This unique adventure links together secret swimming holes, hidden campsites, and mountain views by a network of bike trails and dirt roads. Bike travel means hair blowing in the summer breeze, seeing the beauty of the landscape flow by, and the rewarding feeling of arriving at the top of the hill. For the first half of the week our bikes become our homes, fitted with frame bags, front loaders, fork and saddle bags, 29” wheels, and 12-speed cassettes. Then we switch to canoes, where the current carries us downstream and the reward of every day is a swim in the river.   The journey takes us from the base of Mt. Monadnock across New Hampshire to Wontastaquiet, the “Mountain at the Place of the Lost River.” Along the way we will go rock climbing, descend into an abandoned mine, scramble through a rocky gorge, and bike on miles of wooded trails.

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Climber's Journey Up North
Sun Jul 20 - Sat Aug 2, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 13 - 15

The White Mountains are famous for their dramatic rocky summits and steep valleys, and boast the highest peaks in the northeast. This ancient granite mountain range is a rock climber’s paradise! Led by Kroka’s international climbing team, this intermediate-level expedition will advance your technical skills while top-roping, bouldering, and following a leader on multi-pitch sport and trad climbs up to 5.8. The first part of the week will be spent reviewing the basic skills of belay techniques, knot tying, and anchor placement.  Living in the woods, swimming, crafting, and climbing remote cliffs will fill our lives and strengthen our spirits. At the culmination of the training we will climb a magnificent slab with breathtaking views all around. Climbing is not just a sport: it is a way of life in which we connect with nature and our inner selves. Bring your spirit and determination and challenge yourself to take the next step. You are sure to experience the rewarding feelings of accomplishment, pride, and connection.

For students who have completed Climbing Rocks or Vertical, or those with independent rock climbing experience. 

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Wild Girls-Session II
Sun Jul 20 - Sat Aug 2, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 13 - 15

Wild Girls is open to female-identified and non-binary participants.

Wild Girls unite! As an adventurous, supportive, and collaborative community, we will embark on a journey full of singing, sunshine, water, and beautiful views. We will backpack through the mountains and down to the river where we will travel by canoe enhancing our paddling skills and ability to read the landscape around us. This rite of passage program is focused on development of willpower and wilderness skills leading up to an experience of independent student travel where they must rely on each other and the skills they’ve learned. Within the enchanting landscape of mountains and rivers we will develop a strong connection to self and to community, building sisterhood and confidence. Throughout the week we will have plenty of time for journaling, crafting, taking long swims, and observing wildlife. This program will feature a brand-new itinerary in 2025!

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Wild Girls
Sun Jul 20 - Sat Aug 2, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 13 - 15

Wild Girls is open to female-identified and non-binary participants.

Wild Girls unite! As an adventurous, supportive, and collaborative community, we will embark on a journey full of singing, sunshine, water, and beautiful views. We will backpack through the mountains and down to the river where we will travel by canoe enhancing our paddling skills and ability to read the landscape around us. This rite of passage program is focused on development of willpower and wilderness skills leading up to an experience of independent student travel where they must rely on each other and the skills they’ve learned. Within the enchanting landscape of mountains and rivers we will develop a strong connection to self and to community, building sisterhood and confidence. Throughout the week we will have plenty of time for journaling, crafting, taking long swims, and observing wildlife. This program will feature a brand-new itinerary in 2025!

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In Search of Lost Caverns
Sun Aug 3 - Sat Aug 16, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 13 - 15

Warning: Caving requires a love of tight, dark, wet, muddy spaces as well as a thirst for adventure and discovery of secret places. 
There is no adventure sport more secretive and alluring than caving. Hidden deep in the Berkshire Hills are miles of underground passages with hidden entrances off the beaten track. Many of these caves were just discovered within the past 10 years! We begin the week at Kroka Village exploring abandoned mines in the area and practicing vertical rope skills. From here we head west and establish a wilderness camp at the base of Mount Greylock. With map and compass and our traveling gear, we will set out each day to explore the region's known caves and search for those that have not yet been found. We will swim in pristine waterfalls, descend into abandoned quarries, and visit natural marble bridges. We will cook delicious meals over the fire, share stories, and learn a wilderness craft. The journey ends with a 3-day expedition to a mountain peak and a day-trip through one of the longest and most notorious caves in the Northeast.

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Boys Rite of Passage
Sun Aug 3 - Sat Aug 16, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 13 - 15

Boys Rite of Passage is open to male-identified and non-binary participants.

A call to all boys who wish to become the best that they can be! Join us in meeting a challenge that could change how you grow into a man. During this two-week expedition we will challenge our minds, bodies, and spirits while immersing ourselves in the beauty of the Vermont wilderness. Like the ancient school of the Samurai, we will wake early in the morning with exercises that build our concentration and dexterity, our strength, and our will. The coming expedition will test us. We will carry everything we need on our backs. The mountains and river valleys will be our guides, the wind and the rain our teachers. We will not follow trails but blaze our own way, relying on maps, compasses, and our intuition. At night, we’ll gather around the fire to share wisdom and tell stories. As boys crossing the threshold into manhood, we will experience ceremony, build a joyful community, speak from our hearts, and have an opportunity to be alone in the wilderness. Will you join us?

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