ALL Adult Ages-11-to-13 Ages-13-to-15 Ages-15-to-18 Ages-9-to-11 Capstone Climbing-and-Caving Day-Camp Introductory Mountain-Biking Multi-Element NEW Ocean Rites-of-Passage Whitewater Wilderness-Skills
Adirondack Mountain Expedition
Sun Jun 22 - Sat Jul 12, 2025
(21 days)
Ages 15 - 18

NEW IN 2025!
Just across Lake Champlain lie the legendary Adirondack Mountains - a park bigger than Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, and Rocky Mountain National Parks combined. On this brand-new expedition we’ll paddle past otter slides on the Raquette River and climb into the Alpine Zone on Giant Mountain. We’ll bike along the Adirondack Rail Trail, canoe lake-to-river along an ancient trade route, and climb the iconic 2,000ft slabs at Chapel Pond. We’ll get to live The Dirty Life for a day on Essex Farm, and finish strong by rafting through the Class IV Hudson River Gorge. But first, we need to form a team: beginning at Kroka with expedition preparation and pre-trip jobs, we will tune our bikes, pack our backpacks and tie down our canoes. We will carve spoons, practice campfire cooking, and help take care of Kroka’s farm animals. All this helps to forge a close-knit community where each member of the group has an essential role on the expedition. With four elements and just three weeks, this is a true multi-element adventure and sure to be one of the most exciting expeditions of the summer!

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Penobscot Expedition
Sun Jun 29 - Sat Jul 19, 2025
(21 days)
Ages 15 - 18

Penobscot Expedition is a journey to understand the past and present of the Penobscot Nation. Our expedition is informed by these questions: What does it mean to live in the same place for 10,000 years? What can the ‘dominant culture’ learn from indigenous people?  What is our role in the ongoing struggle for tribal sovereignty? 

We begin by traveling to the Maine Local Living School where we will harvest and carve our own poles for upstream canoe travel.  While on the homestead we will harvest and preserve food, use the solar dehydrator, and process acorns into flour for our expedition to the cultural heart of the Penobscot Nation.  Departing the homestead, we begin our travel with rocky, shallow, technical upstream paddling and poling. Our journey follows an ancient canoe route used by Wabanaki tribes to connect the Penobscot and Kennebec River watersheds. We face challenging navigation through the thin headwaters of two rivers, and encounter abundant wild foods, giant turtles, friction fire, and the same difficult portages that have been done for thousands of years. As one river meets another, we find our way to the Penobscot River where we will join Penobscot tribal members on Sugar Island. The next several days are filled with learning about tribal history and world views, contemporary issues facing the Penobscot Nation, and what it means to be Penobscot in 2025. With deeper understanding and even more questions, we depart once more: downstream this time, following the largest river in Maine to the salty sea.

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Journey to the Center of the Earth
Sun Jul 13 - Sat Jul 26, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 15 - 18

Open to students who have completed “In Search of Lost Caverns” and interested students with prior caving experience.

Join Kroka’s resident caver and explorer Ezra Fradkin on a journey into the unknown world of caves. The secrets of the underland are revealed on this bold new adventure for students ready to take their caving experience to new depths. We begin our journey at Kroka where we will learn vertical rope techniques used in caving and prepare the food and gear for our expedition. Heading west across the Hudson River, we will face our first test as we squeeze, chimney, crawl, and descend through some of New York’s most famous caverns. Then turning southward we will follow the limestone belt of the Appalachian Mountains down to Greenbriar County, West Virginia. Here caves are measured not in feet but in miles, and the history and lore of cave exploration goes back to before the revolutionary war. Camping in the wooded Appalachian uplands by night and exploring by day, we will visit pits, crawlways, blowholes, fissures, and decorated cathedrals. Deep underground we rely on our spirit, teamwork, and wit to discover the secrets that lie in the Center of the Earth. Along the way we experience the rich folk music tradition of the region, help out at a honeybee sanctuary, visit abandoned Appalachian coal fields, and give back through meaningful community service.
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Acadian Crossing: A Sea Kayak Odyssey
Sun Jul 27 - Sat Aug 9, 2025
(14 days)
Ages 15 - 18

Standing sentinel at the farthest outreach of Penobscot Bay, Isle au Haut is a secret part of Acadia National Park that few know about and even fewer get to visit.  Our sea-faring tribe will hike to the top of her hills, swim in her fresh-water pools, and scramble the steep rocky outcroppings of her rugged coast – but to reach her shores will require 30 miles of island hopping as our sea kayaks dodge the wind, waves, fog, and tidal currents, each testing and building our skills. We’ll dive into the history of the region, of colonial settlers and of the indigenous who came first, and take in the pristine beauty and nature of Maine's farthest reaches. Come along on an serious ocean expedition that will give back as much as it demands of us!

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Canadian Expedition
Sun Jul 27 - Sat Aug 16, 2025
(21 days)
Ages 15 - 18

Back for 2025!
Kroka’s Canadian Expedition is a capstone experience for students ready for the adventure of a lifetime. Each year we take a team of dedicated paddlers to one of the great rivers of the North: the Ashuapmushuan, Coulonge, Moisie, Broadback, and others. Pristine and breathtakingly beautiful, these rivers drain the vast northern forests of Quebec and Ontario, accessible only by remote logging routes seldom driven. Traveling self-sufficiently downriver, we experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the north country and some of the best whitewater paddling in the East. We camp along the gravel bars and rocky beaches, gather mushrooms, fish and berries to eat, and sleep under an endless starry sky. Canadian Expedition takes us deep into remote wilderness where the joys and challenges of expedition life bring out our best selves. As we travel to and from the river we experience the cultural lifeways of northern people, visiting with local indigenous communities, post-industrial villages, and the old cities of Quebec and Montreal. This is our longest and most remote journey of the 2025 summer!

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